The story begins with a small collection of hand-finished t-shirts. Sons of art, the forte brothers operate in Veneto, one of the manufacturing districts in which Made in Italy has taken shape and identity by transferring the care of the artisan process to an industrial scale, keeping its values ??and peculiarities intact. Giada and Paolo have lived this ethos since childhood, in the family's knitwear workshops. Giada trained at Nottingham Trent University, where she studied knitwear design, while Paolo studied economics. After independent experiences in their respective fields, they decide to focus on an authentic and timeless project, which reflects the deep values ??they believe in, that is the beauty of what expresses a creative feeling to unite those who create to those who consume, without filters and pretenses. Giada is the stylistic soul, Paolo the strategist. They are accompanied by Robert Vattilana, Art Director and life partner of Giada, who translates visions and sensations into images, spaces, graphic and editorial choices. This is how “forte forte” was born: the family name, doubled, baptizes the brand with an incitement that is already an expression of value; the tiny font indicates a desire for intimacy and renounces “easy ostentation”.